How to create a business plan for 2023 that will help you succeed.

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Have you started working on your business plan for 2023? While most folks find business planning to be daunting or unnecessary, I firmly believe in performing a full business review each year. My team and I have already started ours, and we encourage you to do the same so you can be prepared for the coming year. This plan doesn’t need to be long, but it should be intentional and include a full review of your overall business, a review of your profit and loss statement, a review of your previous budget (and writing a new one), completing a SWOT analysis, and scheduling for success. To help you create your plan, I have will provide an overview of the steps to follow. 

You can watch the full video or skip to each topic using these timestamps: 

0:00 — Introduction 

0:57 — Why do you need to make a business plan? 

1:15 — Dig into your profit and loss statement 

1:57 — Look at your marketing budget and where your leads came from 

2:35 — Review your metrics from the previous year 

3:09 — Complete a SWOT analysis 

4:40 — Set your goals for 2023 

4:59 — Write out your budget for the year 

5:15 — Create a schedule for your success 

6:00 — Wrapping up 

I truly believe - what doesn’t get measured, won’t get improved. Creating a business plan for 2023 is extremely important, and I encourage you to start working on yours today if you haven’t already. If you have any questions about the steps or your specific situation, call or email me anytime! I would love to help! 

If you would like to attend a Business Planning Session as a guest, please sign up at the link in this email. The next session is scheduled for January 5th!